Wednesday, July 01, 2009

I Am the Biggest Loser in June

I was pretty anxious about this competition because I really didn't know what to expect. I have modified my ideas about it over the month, and it has worked out. Today I weighed in at 345. That is much more than I expected. Here is what I am doing.

1) Eating less. I will decide how much to eat before. I have failed a few times, but even then I have eaten less than I normally would.

2) Be a Freegan. I learned this phrase from Shane Claiborne. I will eat any free food. So I have had my share of pizza and hot dogs, but with eating less, it has still worked out. In fact I have noticed that I tend to do well on weight loss with fattier foods. Maybe I am so use to them that my body is able to use it better. That's sad but it works.

3) Fill cravings. If I really want something that is not good for me, I get it, only a little bit. My craving is satisfied and I am still in control, instead of waiting and then indulging.

4) I decide if a food is worth it. I find I don't miss cookies or ice cream or anything fried potato. If I realize I don't really miss it, I keep it that way. If I really do like something, I limit myself. I was at a place with finger foods and peanut butter fudge was present. I love this. I had two small pieces (instead of 6 or 7). That was my sweet thing for the day and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

5) I'm walking. I like a good walk, and even on a hot day so I get a good sweat. It has become a wonderful prayer time for me. I can walk a long way and not feel tired. I have even ran the last block home. I still have a lot of work to do there.

6) I get fresh food and vegetables. I have fallen in love again with fruit. Almost all of it is good stuff. I never disliked veggies, I just liked junk food more. I don't think I feel that way. I try to stay as natural as possible with food. If I want a cookie at a pot luck, I go for the homemade because it is much more likely to have natural ingredients.

7) I eat breakfast. I used to never eat breakfast. Now it is cereal and fruit or yogurt or toast or a cream cheese bagel. It's easier to not overindulge in lunch.

8) Less meat. I try to do a somewhat vegetarian meal every day or every other day.

I am very pleasantly surprised by my weight loss, and I hope I can keep it up, but I estimate it will lessen in how much I lose. I do feel healthier, have more energy, and my back doesn't bother me after lifting something or bending over a few times. I hope Scott can give me some competition this month.

--posted to Alison Krauss-"A Hundred Miles or More: A Collection"


Sarah said...

awesome- that's what- two pounds every 3 days? pretty good!

good job making better choices and gradual changes. sometimes that's the best way.

rustypants said...

i'm planning on being more of a threat to you this month. i did well at first and towards the end, but the middle got out of hand.

i'm having the most difficulty with being consistent even when out of town or having a changing schedule. if i were still in school every day, this would be a breeze.

making actual lifestyle changes instead of having to remind myself each day is what i'm working on - very similar to what you described. eating less, making better choices, not stopping for that can of Coke, drinking a lot more water, not eating as late at night, stretching and riding my bike every day (up to 8 miles a day now and adding another mile every several days).

congrats on taking the month of june, tim! but watch out! i'm starting july @ 281 and plan on taking your money this month.

(word verification: "pharrh" - the sound of a semi-stealth fart)