Wednesday, May 28, 2008

By Faith?

Noah was a drunk. Abraham was a liar. Isaac’s family was dysfunctional. Jacob was a cheat. Joseph was an ex-con. Moses was a murderer. Joshua lost control of his army. Rahab was a prostitute. Gideon and Barak were cowards. Samson was a womanizer. Jephthah was rash. David was an adulterer. Samuel was a terrible dad.

The Bible doesn’t hide the true nature of people. It is honest about people’s shortcomings, downfalls, and sinfulness. These names are the ones that are listed in Hebrews 11 in the hall of faith. For all their shortcomings and sinfulness, they are the ones that stand out for their faithfulness.

Faithfulness is not about how little we mess up, it is all about who we trust and follow. What put these people in the hall of faith is that when they fell, they repented, got up, and kept walking. They had doubts, but they kept trusting.

I am glad the Bible tells the stories as they happened. Honestly, if these men were painted with only positive brushstrokes, I don’t know that I would want to try being faithful, because I make way too many stupid mistakes. But when you read about Abraham, and realize that he pimped out his wife (read Genesis 12:10-20. That is exactly what he did, and made wealth from it.) because he was afraid of the Pharoah, it gives me hope that God’s forgiveness is true, and maybe the Lord will not abandon me for my mess ups.

The truth is these men and woman are known for their faith, because in the midst of everything, they followed bravely. It seems that those who risk greatly make the greatest mistakes and the greatest gains. Faith will allow big mistakes, but it will not allow comfort, apathy, self-righteousness, and idleness. The Lord can deal with our screw-ups, but He will not deal with our inaction.

In the Gospels, Jesus gets upset at the Pharisees because they reduced faith to self-righteousness and rules. He shows mercy to prostitutes, thieves, tax collectors, and all kinds of sinners who were willing to do what the heroes of faith did—repent, get up, and follow. The Lord doesn’t want religious people; He wants faithful people.

It’s not about where you are or where you’ve been. It’s about where you are going.

Noah rescued humanity. Abraham is the Father of faith. Isaac blessed his sons. Jacob wrestled with God. Joseph remained faithful despite constant false accusations. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. Joshua led the Israelites to take the Promised Land. Rahab helped the Israelites and saved herself, and is an ancestor of Jesus. Gideon and Barak lead a great victory over Israel’s enemies. Samson defeated the Philistines. Jephthah fulfilled his vow. David was an incredible king. Samuel brought the repentance of the whole nation. All by faith.

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