Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Try Explaining This One to Your Elders

I was going through reciepts to turn in, and I ran across this one. It took me a little bit of time to realize what I had bought. I was puzzled for about 10 seconds thinking, "How did this get in here? Well this will create some fun questioning."

Abbreviations gone wrong. Here is actually what I had bought.

I know I've been losing a bit of weight recently, but my cup size has not changed. That stands for adjustable brass padlock. The secretary (who is excellent!!) and I had a good laugh about it.

-Written while watching the Dave Ramsey show. I wonder how he feels about churches using credit cards?


Anonymous said...

Good stuff. They might help you fit into a new dress.

Sarah said...


He would need more than padlocks. I've seen that man in a bra and it's not a pretty sight. :)

Bluecanary said...

No, she is not kidding. She was partly responsible for my very first bra that I got for my 19th birthday.

I thought I was sexy, at least with the grapefruit implants.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that the sight of you in a bra would be well um ... interesting. As for the abreviation, you know Wal-Mart's not perfect.